Memasang Molegro Molecular Viewer Di Linux

Molegro Molecular Viewer

Molegro Molecular Viewer is a free cross-platform application for visualization of molecules and Molegro Virtual Docker results. Molegro Molecular Viewer is able to visualize most common molecular file formats (PDB, Mol2, SDF) as well as docking results from Molegro Virtual Docker.
screenshot of the main user interface
The main user interface

Features at a glance

  • Free!
  • Cross-platform: Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X is supported.
  • Share and view results from Molegro Virtual Docker docking runs.
  • Imports and exports PDB, SDF, Mol2, and MVDML files.
  • Built-in raytracer for high-quality images.
  • Automatic preparation of molecules.
  • Molecular surface and backbone visualization.
  • Labels, sequence viewer and biomolecule generator.
  • Cropping of molecules and clipping planes.
  • Structural protein alignment.
  • Support for KNIME workflows.
Langkah pemasangan MMV:

1. Download MMV di link berikut: Untuk versi linux 32 bit link download-nya adalah
2. Setelah selesai didownload, masuk ke folder tempat file MMV tersimpan menggunakan terminal.
3. Ekstrak di terminal
4. Selesai ekstrak masuk ke folder bin dari MMV, ketik: cd Molegro/MMV/bin/ [Enter]
5. Untuk menjalankan MMV cukup ketik: ./mmv [Enter]

Manual dapat didownload melalui link berikut:


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